Irish Cobs for sale

We are breeding Irish cobs and the foals are for sale. Below you can see the horses we have for sale at this moment.

All the horses we are selling have an ICS passport and have had their vaccinations, their hoofs are regualary done and they are walking on a rope nicely.

If you are interested in one of our horses or you just want some more information please contact us by tel nr: 00-31416343633. We are located in Sprang-Capelle the Netherlands on Hogevaart 85 (5161 PM)

You can also mail to: 


Kay, son (gelding) of Teagan and SD Elite


Kay is a sweet brown tobiano tobiano gelding, he is PSSM1 free (n/n), he is born on June 28, 2022. His sire is our STAR Preferent stallion SD Elite and his dam is our STAR premie mare Teagan. Kay is registered in the ICS studbook HB1, he has a chip and an ICS passport, his hoofs are regularly done and he has had all his vaccinations, he is regularly dewormed. Walking on a rope is no problem for him. He is used to staying in the herd but he does not have any problems with being in a stable.We expect him to mature to approx 14,0 hh.


Finley, son (gelding) of Noméh and SD Elite


Finley is a sweet black tobiano gelding, he is PSSM1 free (n/n), he is born on July 2, 2022. His sire is our STAR Preferent stallion SD Elite and his dam is our first premie mare Noméh vof the bonte hoeve. Finley is registered in the ICS studbook HB1, he has a chip and an ICS passport, his hoofs are regularly done and he has had all his vaccinations, he is regularly dewormed. Walking on a rope is no problem for him. He is used to staying in the herd but he does not have any problems with being in a stable.We expect him to mature to approx 14,2 hh.


James, son (gelding) of Kelcy and I am Exclusive Sam


James is a sweet black tobiano gelding, he is PSSM1 free (n/n), he is born on August 18, 2022. His sire is our STAR Preferent stallion I am Exclusive Sam and his dam is our STAR mare Kelcy van de bonte hoeve. James is registered in the ICS studbook HB1, he has a chip and an ICS passport, his hoofs are regularly done and he has had all his vaccinations, he is regularly dewormed. Walking on a rope is no problem for him. He is used to staying in the herd but he does not have any problems with being in a stable.We expect him to mature to approx 15,0 hh.


Nolyn, son of Kody and I am Exclusive Sam


Nolyn is a sweet brown tobiano colt, he is PSSM1 free (n/n), he is born on April 2, 2023. His sire is our STAR Preferent stallion I am Exclusie Sam and her dam is our Champion of the day 2011 - 2016 STAR mare Kody v/d bonte hoeve. Nolyn is registered in the ICS studbook HB1, he has a chip and an ICS passport, his hoofs are regularly done and he has had all his vaccinations, he is regularly dewormed. Walking on a rope is no problem for him He is used to staying in the herd but he does not have any problems with being in a stable.We expect him to mature to approx 14,2 hh.


Maili, daughter of Cece and SD Elite


Maili is a sweet brown tobiano filly, she is PSSM1 free (n/n), she is born on April 5, 2023. Her sire is our STAR Preferent stallion SD Elite and her dam is our Champion of the day 2020 STAR mare Cece of the bonte hoeve. Maili is registered in the ICS studbook HB1, she has a chip and an ICS passport, her hoofs are regularly done and she has had all her vaccinations, she is regularly dewormed. Walking on a rope is no problem for her. She is used to staying in the herd but she does not have any problems with being in a stable.We expect her to mature to approx 15 hh.




Ionait, daughter of Suus and I am Exclusive Sam


Ionait is a sweet brown tobiano filly, she is PSSM1 free (n/n), she is born on April 16, 2023. Her sire is our STAR Preferent stallion I am Exclusive Sam and her dam is our Champion of the day 2015 STAR mare Suus of the Lijntse Bossen. Ionait is registered in the ICS studbook HB1, she has a chip and an ICS passport, her hoofs are regularly done and she has had all her vaccinations, she is regularly dewormed. Walking on a rope is no problem for her. She is used to staying in the herd but she does not have any problems with being in a stable.We expect her to mature to approx 15.1 hh.




Murphey, son of Caisy and I am Exclusive Sam

Murphey is a sweet black tobiano colt, he is PSSM1 free (n/n), he is born on May 2, 2023. His sire is our first STAR Preferent stallion I am Exclusive Sam and his dam is our STAR mare Caisy van de bonte hoeve. Murphey is registered in the ICS studbook HB1, he has a chip and an ICS passport, his hoofs are regularly done and he has had all his vaccinations, he is regularly dewormed. Walking on a rope is no problem for him. He is used to staying in the herd but he does not have any problems with being in a stable.We expect him to mature to approx 14.3 hh.





Jileen, daughter of Luana and I am Exclusive Sam

Jileen is a sweet black tobiano filly, she is PSSM1 free (n/n), she is born on June 9, 2023. Her sire is our STAR Preferent stallion I am Exclusive Sam and her dam is STAR mare Luana van de bonte hoeve. Jileen is registered in the ICS studbook HB1, she has a chip and an ICS passport, her hoofs are regularly done and she has had all her vaccinations, she is regularly dewormed. Walking on a rope is no problem for her. She is used to staying in the herd but she does not have any problems with being in a stable.We expect her to mature to approx 14.2 hh.




Eily, daughter of Teagan and SD Elite


Eily is a sweet grey tobiano tobiano filly with two beautiful blue eyes and very lond white eyelashes, she is PSSM1 free (n/n), she is born on August 29, 2023. Her sire is our STAR Preferent stallion SD Elite and her dam is our STAR premie mare Teagan. Eily is registered in the ICS studbook HB1, she has a chip and an ICS passport, her hoofs are regularly done and she has had all her vaccinations, she is regularly dewormed. Walking on a rope is no problem for her. She is used to staying in the herd but she does not have any problems with being in a stable.We expect her to mature to approx 14,0 hh.


Kane, son of Polly and I am Exclusive Sam

Kane is a sweet brown tobiano colt, he is PSSM1 free (n/n), he is born on Oktober 9, 2023. His sire is our STAR Preferent stallion I am Exclusive Sam and his dam is our first premie mare Polly of the bonte hoeve. Kane is registered in the ICS studbook HB1, he has a chip and an ICS passport, his hoofs are regularly done and he has had all his vaccinations, he is regularly dewormed. Walking on a rope is no problem for him. He is used to staying in the herd but he does not have any problems with being in a stable.We expect him to mature to approx 15,0 hh.